RM Bridge Modeler Help

Ground plan window

The plan view window is active when the program is started. It shows all points and axes of the system and can be used for their definition. If any other window is in the foreground, the plan view window can be activated by clicking the X-Y tool in the right vertical symbol column.

Zoom functions are available in the lower part of the left handed vertical symbol column as well as by using the so called rules .

The coordinate system of the plan view is represented by the horizontal X axis and the vertical Y axis.


3D-Points consist of 3 coordinates. X and Y for the plan view, Z as the height.


Axes are composed by several elements that can be defined using the symbols in the horizontal symbol row at the top of the program window (right part). Starting with the point "P0", the axis elements (straights, circles and spirals) have to be append at the end step by step.

Note: An axis has to be created and selected as being active before any axiselement can be inserted.

All plan view elements of the active axis are shown in a list, using the symbol

"HP-Data" at the right vertical symbol column.

Point P0

Each definition of an axis in the plan starts with the point P0. This point needs coordinates and an orientation giving the direction for the following element. If "P0" is used again for the same axis a line element is created. If this line element has a different angle than the previous axis element, an additional point element handling the rotation is inserted by the program.

Line l

A line element is connected to the last element.

Circle s-r

The length s of the arc and the radius r define a circle element for the active axis. The new element is connected to the previous element.

Spiral k1-k2

Two curvatures k1 and k2 define a spiral element for the active axis. The new element is connected to the previous element.

Cubic curve x3

Two curvatures k1 and k2 define a cubic element for the active axis. The new element is connected to the previous element.


The currently last element for the active axis will be deleted.